What are the terms and conditions of advertising?

Worsthorne Pedersen Publishing – Terms & Conditions of Print & Digital Advertising

  1. The Publisher (Worsthorne Pedersen Publishing Pty Ltd) reserve the right to refuse any print and/or digital advertising.
  2. The Publisher reserves the right to refuse any Real Life Wedding profile supplied, if it does not meet the Publisher’s strict editorial and design standards.
  3. A cancellation fee of 50% of the total value of the order will apply unless notification to cancel in writing is received within 7 days from signing of the order.
  4. Payment terms are strictly as shown on order.
  5. Overdue accounts will be subject to a surcharge of 1% per month.
  6. Should an advertiser fail to lodge print and/or digital artwork by the nominated deadline, then the last copy received will be repeated.
  7. Should no artwork be on hand, then the Publisher reserves the right to omit the print and/or digital advertisement in which case the total amount shown on this order will fall due.
  8. Design, typesetting and finished art are provided as a service only. Instructions relating to the production of final artwork must be clearly indicated. Should no instructions be received then the Publisher will proceed to final design without accepting responsibility for the final reproduction.
  9. The advertiser agrees that the Publisher owns copyright in all designs and/or media created by it, or for it, and the advertiser is not authorised to publish or use (or authorise any other person to publish or use) the design in any other publication or website (or in any other way) without the Publisher’s prior written consent.
  10. A colour proof (pdf via email) will be submitted for approval, provided material reaches the Publisher prior to nominated deadline.
  11. The advertiser agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the Publisher in respect to all liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses whatsoever arising in relation to any demand, claim, action, lawsuit or proceeding whatsoever, brought by any person in relation to and/or arising out of or in connection with any material published on behalf of the advertiser. The advertiser warrants to the Publisher that all advertising material and information submitted, or to be submitted by, or on behalf of the advertiser, is such that its publication will not infringe the provisions of any law or statute and will not give rise to any claim or right of action whatsoever against the Publisher, whether at common law or by statute.
  12. No guarantee will be given to any position within the Publication, or on the Website requested by the advertiser or agency except in such cases where a loading of 10% of the advertising cost has been applied to this order.
  13. The Law of New South Wales shall apply to this order.

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