Nervous, embarrassed

  1. Hi. I'm getting married in 3 months and I'm starting to get nervous and mostly embarrassed about the ceremony and reception.

    1. Our celebrant will be saying our middles names during the ceremony and I'm not exactly comfortable with his family and friends hearing my middle names. I'm only having 12 people from my side attend which consists of my parents, grandparents, close friends, brothers and daughter. He is having up to 50.

    2. I'm not good at public speaking and to make it worse I'm not sure how I'm going to feel saying my vows etc in front of everyone. Knowing they're there to hear how much I love my FH and what my promises are to him and our growing family for the rest of our lives. Just kinda feels like that's something only he and I should know.

    3. I feel like I'm going to be more or less ignored or left alone for the reception as everyone will want to talk to my partner, not me and I'll be sitting with the few people of my family. Feel like I'll be left out and won't enjoy my wedding.

    Am I right to be feeling this way and what can people (kindly) suggest to help me be comfortable and enjoy my wedding?

  2. I felt similar so we made our ceremony private with only close family and friends. The rest were invited to the reception. We changed it about three months before hand as we hadn't sent out the invites yet. Good luck!

  3. 1. Can you just not have your middle name said for the ceremony? I didn't even consider it necessary but then I have no idea, is it a legal thing? And if it is, I'm wondering if it's something you are worrying about too much?
    2. All i can recommend is practice. A lot. It will make you so much more comfortable and confident. Record it and play it back to yourself, look in the mirror too. Take a few deep breaths before you start.
    3. I doubt you will be ignored, you are the bride! And even if you are then maybe just go up to people to thank them for coming and you will probably be stuck for ages talking to everyone. Ask if they're having fun, what they like best about the wedding etc. Have a few champers and have fun, it's your wedding day! :) Also, maybe take a wedding planning time out and take a bath or do something non-weddingy like watch a funny movie, go for a run, etc, you might be putting too much pressure on yourself. I have anxiety and panic attacks so i try not too think too much about things and if i start to get stressed i go do something else and come back to it later. :) Good luck!


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