When is it too late to have an engagement party?

  1. My fiance and I got engaged nearly 6 months ago, and I have been wanting to throw an engagement party but having a one and a half year old daughter life has just seemed to slip past! When is it too late to throw an engagement party? Thanks!

  2. We got engaged in February next year... As we were having a longer engagement (we don't get married till July 2015) we had ours in June this year. A lot of people were like "about time" but honestly were having such a long engagement anyway that we have plenty of time to take all the formalities slowly. It was slightly worrying though, that when we hadn't already done ours, we had other friends getting engaged and havin their party and wedding within 6 months. But honestly, it's your wedding. Do what makes you happy :)

  3. Thanks so much for your reply Aimee!

  4. We had 3 months between our engagement and party mainly due to my brother living interstate.

    So long as it's closer to the engagement then the wedding, it shouldn't matter when you have it :-)


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