Beauty Tricks That Can Save Your Wedding Day

Learn these easy and simple tricks and be prepared for any beauty emergencies on your big day: from swollen eyes to smudged eyeliner or a chipped nail!

Green Tea

Did you know that green tea can help shrink blood vessels around your eyes? If you wake up with puffy eyes, brew some green tea, cool the tea bags in the fridge for 20 minutes and gently press them onto your eyelids.


If you want your perfume to stay fresh longer, apply a thin coat of Vaseline before spraying the fragrance. Petroleum jelly will keep the scent on the surface, preventing it to sink in.

Peppermint Oil

If you want the look of fuller lips, rub a drop of peppermint oil into them and it will instantly increase the volume. Peppermint oil will also freshen up your breath!

Baking Soda

To brighten up your smile use baking soda for some last minute teeth whitening. Simply brush your teeth with a mixture of baking soda and fresh lemon juice!

Translucent Powder 

Translucent powder can be used for many purposes, so it is a must have in your wedding day emergency kit. It can quickly solve common problems such as excessive oil and smudged make-up.


There are many uses of hairspray too! You can use it to lock the wedding make-up, tame your eyebrows and help dry your nail polish. You can also spray bobby pins, combs and other hair accessories to ensure they cling to your hair.

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