5 Tips To Help You Stay In Newly Wed Bliss

You just got married and you want your first year of marriage to be as pleasant as possible? These 5 tips for a happier marriage will help you get started!

  1. Make decisions together. From the most important things such as finances to decorating your new home, it is important to make decisions together. Think from the ‘We’ point of view and be open and honest about everything!
  2. Discuss even the smallest problems. Your relationship will be much healthier if you talk about things that bother you, even if they seem insignificant. Sometimes the little things that annoy you can grow into big issues, so don’t let the problems pile up.
  3. Show love and appreciation on a regular basis. Say nice things, kiss each other a lot and do small gestures every now and then. These little acts of kindness will make your everyday life much more enjoyable and help you have a happy marriage.
  4. Have fun together! Make sure to plan fun things to do together at least once a week. Whether it is a meal you will cook together or a weekend away, having something to look forward to will make you both feel happy and connected.
  5. Socialise with your friends. Your marriage will be happier if you socialise rather than just spending all of your spare time with each other. Start with throwing a welcoming bash and invite both your and his or her friends over. Expanding your circles is very beneficial for your marriage!

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