How To Choose Gifts For Your 1st Wedding Anniversary

Traditionally, the 1st wedding anniversary gifts should be made of paper, and a more recent custom is to give clocks because they represent timelessness of a relationship. Be creative and choose something both practical and meaningful.

If you want to exchange traditional 1st wedding anniversary gifts, anything made of paper is appropriate. It can be something elegant and simple like a journal, personalised calendar or a photo album, or something quite original like a photo collage or papier mâché. Think outside the box and find a gift that will make your partner happy. Choose a great novel or purchase airplane tickets to an exotic destination and wrap them in a beautiful envelope. You can also consider buying a recipe book, travel guide to his or her favourite destination or an old map. Flowers appropriate for 1st wedding anniversaries are carnations, and they will make a great addition to your paper gift as they come in a range of wonderful shades.

More recently, couples established a tradition of giving each other clocks instead of paper gifts which gives you even more possiblities. Your 1st wedding anniversary gifts can be wrist watches, vintage pocket watches, antique clocks or even artworks inspired by clock dials. If you want to ditch the tradition altogether and delight your partner with something you are sure he or she will adore, the options are virtually endless. From a gourmet dinner in a lavish restaurant or a romantic weekend away to a fashionable piece of jewellery or a gadget, let their personal taste be your guidance and you won’t make a mistake.

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