5 Romantic Honeymoon Destinations From Movies

If you can’t decide on your honeymoon destination, watch your favourite movies to find inspiration! We picked these 5 because they are jam-packed with great ideas on how to spend time in Paris, Rome, New York, Florence and Tokyo!

Paramount Pictures

If you want to have a Roman Holiday experience on your honeymoon in Italy, follow the footsteps of Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck and book a hotel suite on Via Margutta, have a gelato at the Spanish Steps, drink a glass of champagne at a nearby cafe and have a ride on a vespa around the Coloseum.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s will inspire you to discover the romantic side of New York. Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn) and Paul Varjack (George Peppard) had an exciting tour which includes Tiffany & Co flagship store on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 57th Street, the New York Public Library and a local store on Manhattan where they stole those funny masks.

Amelie and Nino’s route from Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain is a great way to experience the romance of Paris, and most of the scenes are set in Montmartre. Taste the delicious crème brûlée at the Cafe des Deux Moulains on Lepic 15 where Amelie worked and climb up the Montmartre hill to find that fabulous amusement park from the movie.

A Room With A View will give you fabulous ideas on how to spend your honeymoon in Florence, Italy. You can stay in the Hotel degli Orafi which was one of the filming locations, set in the heart of the city, right by the Uffizi gallery. And don’t miss the chance to stroll around the Boboli gardens, watch the sunset from the Ponte Vecchio and go on a picnic at the Fiesole hills.

And if you want to spend your honeymoon in Tokyo, Japan, watch Lost In Translation to get inspired. You can stay at Tokyo Park Hyatt where where Bob Harris (Bill Murray) and Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) and enjoy spectacular views of the city, visit the Nazenji zen temple in Kyoto, sing at Karaoke-Kan and eat sushi at Icihikan restaurant.

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