Traditionally, the bride’s parents should cover the majority of costs. They should pay for the ceremony and reception venue hire, invitations and stationery, bonbonniere, flower arrangements and decorations, the wedding cake, the bride’s gown and accessories, photography and video services, as well as wedding day transportation. They should also announce the engagement in the local paper and host an engagement party.
The groom’s family have only a few key responsibilities and they include organising and paying for the rehearsal dinner for the bridal party and buying a gift for the newlyweds. The bride should purchase the wedding ring and a present for the groom, as well as gifts for her bridesmaids, whereas the groom’s responsibilities include covering all of the honeymoon expenses as well as paying for the bride’s rings, the marriage licence, celebrant’s fee, corsages and boutonnieres for the bridal party and gifts for the groomsmen.
Wedding guests should pay for their attire and transportation to and from the wedding venue. They should also cover their costs of attending the hen’s or buck’s night party and purchase gifts for the newlyweds.